We’ve made much more progress since the last post to our website/blog.
See pictures below to see some of our progress…
Above is digging down through the tub box and redoing what the rough in plumber did and didn’t do. Of course this was just one of many rough in plumber issues we have had. To deal with. Sometimes if you want it done right, you just have to do it yourself!!
Notice in the picture above here that the pvc pipe coming through the cement into wall stud is not close to centered. As a matter of fact, it is an inch into bedroom closet, which means not even double Sheetrock would make it right.
All plumbers will be off from center in wall studs once and awhile, but missing all of the locations by this much…seriously? These pipes are not just off a bunch from center, but are not even level. I guess he forgot his tape measure and level at home? Nothing like having to redo what someone else was paid to do.
This was the last of the insulation done yesterday in the attic space of our barn.
As you can see in the pictures above here, the cathedral barn ceilings are beautiful and now Sheetrock work is well underway. This is going to be a pretty fancy barn. 😂
More pictures and information coming over the next few weeks.
Take care and have a great Christmas.
-Mike and Rhonda
