Burning Brush Piles

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Burning brush piles can be a hot and dangerous job. If it’s a dry time of the year and there are no burn warnings in your area, then it’s a must to wait for rain first.

As you can see in the pictures below I have taken extra precautions and built a large dirt pit with no grass around it to catch fire. Although we’ve had lots of rain and the ground is very moist, I still took extra safety steps. I knew these brush piles were very dry and would be extremely HOT…in a hurry.

Burning brush pilesBurning brush pilesBurning Brush Piles Can Be Dangerous

I did NOT use gasoline and would never recommend using it for burning brush piles. You might consider using diesel fuel and or used oil…if the fire refuses to start on it’s own. I used some newspapers and boxes to start this brush pile…

I sat the boxes at the bottom back in the brush and newspapers inside boxes with some paper sticking out for me to light. Once I lit the newspaper I stood back and let it do its thing.

Have Water Close-by

Always have water hoses close-by or 5 gallon buckets of water just as a precaution. You never know when you might need to wet something down.

As you can see in the pictures above I used my tractor to fresh grade the dirt all around the burn pit so there was no dead grass or anything that could possibly catch fire and spread.

Garden Rake and Long Handled Shovel

A good metal garden rake and a long handled Shovel by your side is also important tools to have. Once the fire burns down you may need to take some of it around. Sometimes small grassy areas can start burning outside your burn area. This is where the metal garden rake and Shovel will come in handy. Never go off and leave your brush piles unattended!

Below are a few pictures of very dry brush I hauled in to our burn pit from property’s that I take care of for others. There was no safe place to burn at their property’s, so I chose to haul them to our farm.

Burning brush pilesBurning brush pilesBurning brush pilesBurning brush piles
Having a good safe designated place to burn your brush piles or trash is very important…and highly recommended.

Be Safe!

Always do your best,

Mike Pilcher

Mike Pilcher - Pin Oaks Farm



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