Easter is always a fun time when you have children or grandchildren of young ages, so that you can watch them Easter Egg Hunting.
Yesterday was so much fun having family over and watching the little ones while they was running around with their little bags Easter Egg Hunting. Seeing the looks on their faces as they find the next Easter Egg or piece of candy.
Check out these pictures below of Rhonda’s grandchildren…

Easter Egg Hunting
So first came the cooking some hotdogs on the open fire and eating lunch in the beautiful outdoors…
Next came the feeding the chickens then scraps from the little ones plates. Oh yeah, the little kids throught they just had to take their scraps from dinner lunch and go feed it to the chickens. They also wanted to check for eggs each time we was over at the chicken coop…which was every 15-30 minutes.
The good thing about me taking the little ones over to feed the chickens and the chicks 🐥 and check for eggs in the big chickens nesting boxes, was it gave Rhonda and Amanda time to hide the Easter Eggs and candy treats for the grandchildren.
Finally came the Easter Egg Hunting…
With all kinds of excitement we was ready to go and find do some real Easter Egg Hunting. All of the little ones were off and running with their little bags and buckets blowing in the wind.
Another great fun time of Easter Egg Hunting, outdoor cooking and family fun. Each year seems to get better and better. Plus, each year we seem to have more new baby’s for Easter.
See Rhonda (GiGi) below with baby Emma:
Can’t wait to see how many more new baby’s we have for next Easter…lol.
Always do your best,
-Mike Pilcher