Stock Piling Firewood and Getting Our Steps…

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Stock piling firewood and getting our daily steps. Stock piling firewood is very important for the winter months. It is also important getting in our daily steps.

We do our best to keep at least enough firewood for 30 days of use, under tarps where it is protected from the elements and dry for good burning encase the weather gets bad and we are unable to get out and to cut and gather.

This pile of firewood pictured below nearly doubled after today’s cutting. NOTICE the double tarps to keep it covered and dry. We all know that wet firewood does not burn good. Keeping your firewood dry is the key to a great heat source! The longer you can keep it piled and covered up the best it will burn. It becomes more seasoned the longer it sits and the hotter fire it produces.

Stock piling firewood
Stock piling firewood has many advantages. One is mentioned above and the other is that by stock piling your firewood, it gives it time to dry out and get seasoned before burning it. Seasoned firewood is so important for good clean burns and for the best heat possible.

Below you will see screen shots/pictures of my Garmin Vivofit wrist watch and my Garmin Connect account screenshot after I synced for the day. In todays screenshot you can see how I ended up with over 14,000 steps and the day wasn’t even totally finished yet. My wife Rhonda also had right at 14,000 steps on her Garmin Vivofit.

Stock piling firewood is something that has to be done if you are burning wood for your main source of heat. We have found this to be a great way to get in shape and stay fit. We also have a great deal of fun doing this. Rhonda and I both like getting 10,000 plus steps per day even if it has to be from cutting and stock piling firewood. Of course there are days that we will not get 10,000 steps and sometimes not even close to it. Those days are usually because of bad weather, or just because we have to much other stuff going on. We try our best to get very close to 10,000 steps each day though, if not more.

Stock piling firewoodStock piling firewood

I must say that our Garmin Vivofit wrist watches have been the very best investment we have ever made. As I have mentioned in previous blog post, these Garmin Vivofit wrist watches I was able to get dirt cheap by searching Google for coupons and then going online to order them and also get free shipping.

Using A Garmin Tracker To Get Fit

If you are serious about getting in shape and staying in shape, then you MUST have some type of step and calorie tracker like these we have. Yes, these also track our calories, our sleep patterns, heart rates and more. As you will see in the screen shot above of my Garmin Connect account, it shows my calories consumed, remaining, steps, and sleep.

Do you know that after eating any meal you can get out and go for a simple walk and raise your metabolism which will help you burn off those calories that you just ate? The main reason people are gaining so much weight and why we have so much obesity in our world is the lack of exercise. Of course most people don’t eat right, but the main reason for the weight problems and sickness is the lack of exercise.

Don’t be one of those that has the overweight and health issues. Instead, be one of those that are doing something to fix the problem by exercising and eating better. Do yourself a huge favor and start tracking everything you do. Get some kind of tracker and use it daily. There is something about tracking your daily activity’s that keeps you accountable. When I have this Garmin on my wrist and have to see it daily, it keeps me accountable to my eating and my daily steps.

Stock Piling Firewood All Year Around

Do you realize that Stock piling firewood all year around can keep your wood piles growing for good seasoning as well as helping you stay in great shape all year around? Well it can!

You may be saying right now that you need firewood but don’t have a place to cut any. No problem! At one time I was that same person that did not have a place to cut firewood. I was burning lots of firewood in my shop but didn’t have a place to cut any, so I was forced to buy it which was really hurting my weekly profits and killing my budget.

If we have trees that need cut down, then we will cut them down, cut the tree up into firewood and then pile it usually in an easy place to get to. We will leave that firewood piled so that it can season good before using it to burn in our wood stove. We like finding trees that are already down and have been down for awhile so that it is already seasoned and ready to burn. This is the firewood we like to stockpile and cover up as soon as we cut it. Stock piling firewood is money in the bank to us!

How To Get Access To Free Firewood

Stock piling firewood started getting much easier for me once I was able to get free access to places to cut firewood. What I did was ran an ad in the local newspaper for places to cut firewood. I put in the ad that I would clear out fence rows and brush piles for the firewood. I also places flyers that my daughters and I made around the local Casey’s general stores and in coffee shops for places to cut firewood. One last thing I did was checked with some local farmers that I noticed doing bulldozer work on their land and asked if I could cut up the big trees that they was pushing up in piles.

Finally, I struck a huge payload of firewood when I had several farmers give me free access to their land. They allowed me to cut up the trees that they was having bulldozers push up in piles. Their only requirements was not to get hurt and to do the cutting when the bulldozers wasn’t there working. The next thing I did was find the bulldozer operators and find out their schedules. This allowed me to find the best time to be there cutting up the trees when they wasn’t there working.

This worked out great and really helped me and my stock piling firewood. Sometimes a person just has to get really creative, especially when you are on a tight budget. You can do whatever you set your mind to doing!

Always do your best,

-Mike and Rhonda Pilcher

Stock piling firewood



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