Exercise Is Crucial For Your Health…

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Do you realize that getting the right exercise is crucial for your health? And I’m not just talking about doing it once and awhile, but instead doing something every day.

How about walking, or doing some push-ups, or maybe pushing a wheelbarrow like I am doing each day? You don’t have to workout every day, and actually it’s not recommended to workout every day. Instead, just do something that will raise your metabolism levels and burn some fat.

In the pictures below you will see how Rhonda and I have cleared a great deal of brush and dead trees on our off grid property. And since we are burning wood in our shop where we have our fifth wheel camper for the winter, it allows us to have free heat to keep our camper warm, but also to not even need to run our furnace which saves us a great deal of money in propane usage. It also allows me to have a nice warm place to work and produce income.

**All of these pictures can be clicked on to blow up larger for better viewing…

exercise is crucial for your healthexercise is crucial for your health

In these pictures you can see how our “Clean Up Day” really made a huge difference in the appearance of our property. This area right here was literally one of the woolliest areas on our place and now looks so nice and clean.

exercise is crucial for your health
As you can see my wheelbarrow full of wood above which is just some of my daily exercise. I’m getting many of my steps in per day as well as getting a great cardio workout. This is working many parts of my body and filling our wood box in the shop at the same time.

It is approximately 75 yards from where I am filling the wheelbarrow to the shop and I am making 4 of these trips to fill the wood box and then leave the wheelbarrow full. Although I may not need to do this many trips each day (depending on how cold it is), but I am still doing at least 1-2 loads a day with the wheelbarrow.

In the last blog post you probably seen the pictures of us burning brush piles and clearing out scrub brush. Above here are some of those same areas once it was all cleared and burned. Big difference in the way it looks now compared to before. We are really excited to see it will all new green grass and see how pretty it will be with a nice clear and clean shot of our beautiful pond that we couldn’t see before we started this project.

I’ve been asked by several people where I am getting the energy to do all of these projects Day in and day out at the age of 55. Good question right?

Want the answer to that question?

It’s call Daily Gold! Yep, I’ve struck Gold out here on the farm. Lol…not really. Or at least not the kind of Gold you might be thinking of right now.

The Daily Gold I am talking about is a liquid multi vitamin that I was turned onto this last year. It’s a multi vitamin that gives me everything that I need to operate at a much higher level. It’s also liquid which absorbs instantly so that your body absorbs it and not pass through you like most all other vitamins do.

Although exercise is crucial for your health, so is the vitamins and supplements that you choose to take…or not take. A great deal of the obesity that is all around us is from lack of exercise, vitamins and supplements, and the lack of a good diet. We don’t eat perfect, but we do try to really watch what we eat.

As we get older we tend to get a little smarter, or at least we have. After seeing a great deal of my family that had passed on and looking back at how they ate, how they didn’t exercise and how they didn’t use any kind of good quality vitamins and supplements had really made me reconsider the way I eat and take care of myself.

Vitamins aren’t just vitamins! There are the cheap ones you can get at Walmart or at the dollar tree store, and these pass right through you never doing anything for you at all. Or there are the ones like I am about to share with you below that will actually do something for you. And yes, this one is more expensive than the ones at Walmart and the dollar tree…

However, this Premium Liquid Multi Vitamin will give your body everything it needs to operate at the highest level and make you feel better than you have in a long time.

I’m talking about Emza Gold. This Premium Liquid Multi Vitamin is tested and proven to be one of the highest quality multi vitamins on the market today. Exercise is crucial for your health, but so is the vitamins and supplements that you put into your body.

exercise is crucial for your health
Listen, it’s not about what we can find that is the cheapest when it comes to our health. It’s about what is the best for us and our health. We are all here on earth for a short period of time. None of us know when our time is up, but we can do something to help make our life better and longer by watching what we eat, the vitamins and supplements that we take, and the exercise that we allow ourselves to work into our daily routines.

Once again, I’m not talking about working out each and every day. I am talking about doing something each day like getting in an adequate amount of steps or at least doing something that will raise your heart rate and metabolism levels. Just walking some after you eat a meal will help tremendously! Raising your metabolism helps burn fat. Muscle burns fat too. So anything that you can do to build and help maintain existing muscle is always a win win deal for you.

So what do we all need to do more of?

  • Walking (I always try and get a minimum of 8000-10,000 steps per day)
  • Maybe a little jogging
  • Working out at least 3 times weekly (15-30 minutes per workout)
  • Anything that will help build some muscle (pushups, resistance bands, dumbbells)
  • Pushing a wheelbarrow…lol
  • Riding a bike
  • Walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator
  • Parking farther away from the doors in parking lots so that you can get more steps

It all comes down to this simple fact that exercise is crucial for your health. The multi vitamins that you are taking, or not taking is also vital to your health. Would you like to know more about Emza Gold Premium Liquid Multi Vitamin? If so, then visit here now! <<

I would also recommend getting and using some kind of tracking devise. My wife and I both like and use Garmin Vivofit that looks like a wrist watch and tracks your daily steps, your sleep, monitors your heart rate and tracks your calories. Very cheap and can be purchased on eBay, Amazon, Walmart, or pretty much anywhere. You can also use free apps like; MyFitnessPal and Garmin Connect to help keep track of everything you do as far as exercise and everything you eat. This is HUGE for trying to lose weight and get into shape. Also great for trying to maintain your weight and health. It’s all free to use…just Google it.

Have questions or comments? Leave them below.

Always do your best,

Mike Pilcher

Mike Pilcher and Baby Grace

P.S. If you would like to learn about healthy foods, healthy snacks, more about exercise, vitamins and supplements, then go to my personal blog and get all kinds of free information. Here you will find videos of foods, and exercises for all ages.



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