This page is to share our Pumpkins and Mums with the public.
We are now taking orders for this falls Pumpkins and Mums. By ordering early, it gives you the FIRST PICK of everything we will have. You will be notified when Pumpkins and Mums are ready and you can come and pick what you want, not what is left over.
Each fall we will have Pumpkins and Mums for sale here at Pin Oaks Farm. As you will be able to see by the pictures below from my daughter and son in laws pumpkin farm in Higginsville MO, we will be offering a huge variety of not just pumpkins, but also mums as well.
How Can You Stay In Touch With Us?
One for sure way to keep updated as to when our Pumpkins and Mums will be ready is to subscribe to our email newsletter. You can do this right now by going to the right side of this page and right below Rhonda and my picture you will see a subscribe box. In that newsletter email subscribe box you will need to enter your best email address. Make sure it is a good one and one that you actually check on a regular basis. This will ensure that you get our email newsletters that will share the dates and times we will be open, doing open house, coupons and much more.
I promise that we will not spam you or your email. We will NOT share or give your email address out to anyone else…Guaranteed! It will ONLY be used for us to send out updates on our blog, updates on the Pumpkins and Mums, as well as what I just mentioned above here.
Our Email Subscriber List – Updates and Newsletters
Just remember; Our email and subscriber list is for updates on this blog, events and general newsletters. We also will be doing open houses, offering coupons and specials, so make sure and get on this subscriber list.
We started out with Mums from my daughter and her husbands Pumpkin Farm in Higginsville MO where they grew the finest Mums I have ever seen anywhere. Learning their secrets, now we have the same jumbo sized, healthy mums right here at our farm, just 3 miles north and 1 mile back west of Trimble MO.
These will be the same types, colors and sizes of Mums that was at Higginsville Pumpkins, but we are offering the same quality and sizes here at Pin Oaks Farm. These aren’t the same mums found on street corners, that are bought at auctions, with many people claiming they grow them. These are high quality, home grown right here locally. We support our local businesses, but many folks don’t do this anymore.
Make sure you take the time right now and go to Facebook and hit the follow button so that you can keep up with all we are doing, and upcoming events. This is located on the right side of this page right under our picture. We will keep you updated on events and other things going on here at Pin Oaks Farm/MPE LLC. We will also keep you posted on our Pumpkins and Mums and when they will be ready to sell.
How To Reach Us About Pumpkins and Mums:
Feel free to reach out to us at anytime. Either here on this page or anywhere on this blog, even on Facebook. You can also use our “Contact Us” page on this website/blog to reach us. Or by email or by phone. Always feel free to leave comments below. Don’t forget; we have a NEW Facebook page. Everyone likes using Facebook…lol. Nowadays it’s all about Facebook and Mobile Apps. As a matter of fact, mobile apps is one of the most popular downloads there is. Apps allow you to do so much…and most of them are free to use.
Mobile Apps allows people to do so many things that they never could do before. Like; track their businesses, track their daily steps, keep track of the food they eat, keep a close eye on their calories and so much more. I love mobile apps so much I created a new one for Pin Oaks Farm. Now all of our customers can keep better track of what we are doing and our Pumpkins and Mums Farm.
Follow us on Facebook here <<.
Always do your best,
-Mike and Rhonda Pilcher
Pin Oaks Farm – MPE LLC.
Our mums pictured below…

I’m actually looking for bulk pumpkins for wholesale for a pumpkin patch. I live in Poteau Oklahoma. Thank you
Hi Tillie,
We can certainly help you with your request. Feel free to call me so we can discuss this in more detail. I will need to know how many pumpkins you are talking about, etc…
Take care,
-Mike Pilcher
Pin Oaks Farm