About Us

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Welcome to our “About Us” page where we will share just a little bit about us and how our goals have changed in the last few years.

My wife Rhonda and I are both in our early and mid 50’s and are both high school graduates. Rhonda has a college degree from North West Missouri College and I have some college as well as a food processing and instrumentation degree from Purdue University.

Rhonda has 2 sons and a daughter. She also has 3 grandchildren and another on the way at the time of me writing this about us page. I have 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren. We are truly blessed to have found one another a little later in life and blessed to have such a great family. Our family means the world to us!

About Us and Our Off Grid Journey

Not just on this about us page, but also on other pages on this website you will find more of our story. Through blog post and our off grid journey that we decided to take. This off grid journey was something that we decided to take just last year as we had been looking for land to purchase that would allow us to move out of town and back to the country where we both once lived while growing up.

Once you are finished reading this about us page I encourage you to jump over to our home page. This is where you will find blog post about us and our off grid journey. You can also go here << and see that page now if you want.

Our Why

You will see the “Why” behind our decision to start this journey at a later age and time in our life as well as the projects we have finished and unfinished, the challenges we have faced, and the things we have ahead of us and for this website.

This isn’t all about us, it is also about our family’s. It is important to us that we have a safe, fun place for our family’s to come and visit and share with us. We have found that living in town was OK, but just wasn’t for us anymore. In town there is no privacy and being surrounded by houses on all side and the rules of sub-divisions and town living was something we wanted rid of.

This website/blog is designed to share a little about us and our story, but also about our Pin Oaks Farm and what we have ahead of us here. We will be adding sweet corn, pumpkins and mums that we are excited about.

Make sure you go over to the “Home Page” and check out our blog post here.

Thank you for checking out our website. We appreciate you!

Always do your best,

-Mike and Rhonda Pilcher

About Us

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