RV Living after 1 year has been a real pleasure. I must say it’s been challenging, but also fun and rewarding.
Off Grid RV Living is definitely a cheaper way to live. Some would say, or think it’s below their standards, but those kind of people are not the kind of people we hang out with. When it comes down to living your life, it’s no one Else’s business except yours…no one!
RV Living
For the first 3 months of our off Grid RV Living journey we ran solely off of generators. We hauled our water…and still do. Although we don’t run off of generators anymore, we still have one for emergency backup.
I mentioned in the last paragraph how we still haul our water. Let me elaborate a little on that. You may have seen some blog post where we was trenching and running our water lines? Bad weather caught us last fall and we never finished running the water lines. There is still right at 1/4 mile of water line to run, as well as set the rural water meter in its proper place on the front side of our property.
No Rural Water
Yes it’s true, we still do not have rural water, and honestly, we don’t even notice it. I must say it is MUCH cheaper hauling our water than it would be having rural water. The shocking truth about hauling our water is real simple. It’s cheap! For 300 gallon of water from a great purified water source is $2.50…and right at $5.00 in gas to haul it. Pretty cheap isn’t it?
This 300 gallon water tank of water will last is about one month depending on how company we have (grandchildren) and how many showers we all take. With Rhonda and myself taking daily showers, washing dishes daily, brushing our teeth, flushing the toilet, etc. We can operate about one month on a load of water (300 gallon)…and no rural water. Rural water is much more expensive than this! Want to see how we do our off grid water hauling <<?
Off Grid Pictures
Check out our “off grid” RV Living pictures below. These pictures was taken today after some mowing and weed Trimming. I also trimmed some trees to raise the canopy’s for easier mowing underneath them with the Scag zero turn mower.
Change Is Good
This change of living has been good for us. We moved from a 3000 Sq ft home in a nice sub-division (one year ago) with houses literally right next to us on both sides, to living off Grid with no rural water…lol. This is where we came from <<.
So what would we change after one year of RV Living? No much of anything. We really have no regrets, or disappointments. This beats the crap out of living in town in some sub-division with stupid rules and control freaks.
Country living isn’t for everyone, or especially RV Living, but it is for us. Yes, we will get the house of our dreams built in our own time as it works for us. Everything good takes time, and we have the time to wait until everything lines up the way we have it planned.
What About What Other People Think?
Honestly, I could care less about what other people think. I mean seriously, why should a person get all wrapped up in what others think about what you do with your life. I don’t, and neither should you!
There are lots of people out there that live their lives all worried about what others might think of what they are doing. Some might even think living in an RV is bad in some way. Who gives a sh_t what others think. Some do…but I don’t!
STOP worrying about what other people think of you, or what you do, and go live your life. Live your life the way you want to live it. ππ
Always do your best,